Valentine's Day Post.... Not?
Hi readers!! It is such a fine evening and yet here I am in my room writing a blog post to readers that I do not even know exist!! How noble I am for prioritizing you guys over my girlfriend on this Valentine's evening! Okay enough of the bullshit... Yes, I am still single that's why I am here instead of out there having dinner with my significant other. To be honest, after a few years not having any feeling for girls feels okay to me. At least I am not depressed on this Single Depression Day. In fact, I could not be happier. I can have all the time for myself to do whatever I like. And now, although I feel like playing DOTA 2 (yes, I am playing DOTA 2! If you guys up to for a game or two, contact me using the Contact Form on the right!), I feel that I should write to you readers to show my love (awww) on this lovely day. Actually, it is more because I have indirectly promised my friend to update this blog at least once every two weeks and I have already broken my promise on the first two week after I said it (sorry!) Yeah, I promised him sometime in mid Jan, and now it's mid Feb already! Disaster!
Anyway, a few updates for the future me, or anyone who cares about me who are reading this blog, on this Valentine's Day, I did not exactly treat today just like any other day. I participated in this stupid 'Secret Pal' game (those from Singapore Unis must be familiar with this).
Basically, it is a type of game where you are paired with an anonymous person of opposite gender, and made to communicate with each other. During orientation, most of other faculties (Computing does not play this game due to shortage of girls *sob*) have this game carried out by blind-folding the Freshies and made them have a blind, quick date (I forgot what's the term. It's like you only have a few minutes to get to know each other, but you can't introduce yourself by name so at the end of the game you don't know the person you talked to. I think it is speed date but I can't be entirely sure).
Basically, it is a type of game where you are paired with an anonymous person of opposite gender, and made to communicate with each other. During orientation, most of other faculties (Computing does not play this game due to shortage of girls *sob*) have this game carried out by blind-folding the Freshies and made them have a blind, quick date (I forgot what's the term. It's like you only have a few minutes to get to know each other, but you can't introduce yourself by name so at the end of the game you don't know the person you talked to. I think it is speed date but I can't be entirely sure).
On this Valentine's Day, the 'Secret Pal' game is different. Basically you can be either a sender of a recipient of flower(s). People participating as senders can order a flower or more to the Student Union, to be given to people who participate as recipients. The flower is given to people of opposite gender randomly and anonymously, only giving mobile number as means of communication. Being a Computing student without the chance of feeling how a game of 'Secret Pal' is like, I ordered two flowers to the Student Union. Maybe I sound desperate (maybe I am?) but really my intention is to brighten someone's day who are unfortunate on this Single Depression Day, because I have been through that and know how it feels like. I do not expect any reply, though as it turned out, both recipients did thank me through SMS/Whatsapp.
To my disappointment, the two girls who received my flowers are all attached. Screw them seriously, why would they participate in the game in the first place if they are already going to receive one from their lover? Anyway, the story did not end there. Let me elaborate. So I got the message from the first recipient, basically just saying that she got the number from the flower thing and thanked me for that. Since I did not expect to be contacted in the first place, I did not know what to reply. Then I remembered why I sent out those flowers in the first place. Then I just tried to be nice and asked if she's up for further introduction between ourselves. She only mentioned her name. Well, I can tell that she is not actually up for it, or may actually have a date on this particular day. So I just ended the convo prematurely so as not to waste our time.
But seriously, what do attached girls expect for participating in this kind of games? It does not make any sense to me.
The second recipient is also actually another attached girl. I knew because it was actually her friend that sent me a text. I straight away knew that this girl I am texting with is the one I am actually intending to give in the first place: singles. To make sure, I told her my intention of participating in the game and my disappointment that not the intended recipient received the love gesture, but instead those already fortunate enough to be asked out on this particular night. Naturally, she told me indirectly that she is actually the intended recipient. Oh well, at least ultimately 50% of my effort (and money!) is not totally wasted on those girls.
Actually another possibility is that there is too little recipient in this game, and thus the Student Union people got desperate and started to distributed the extra flowers to passer-bys. Well, if that is the case, then it would make much more sense. I think this is the case though, from the way she (the single one) told me how the flower ended up with her, and from the way I look at it, participating as recipients would make you look..... desperate, in my opinion. I do not know if my postulations are all true though. Not that it matters since I do not really care if I got a reply from the recipient anyway.
I guess I'll just end it here. I am glad that it did not turn to be another melancholy post. Hopefully I can write more posts of this kind in the future! =D Oh and of course, Happy Valentine's Day, lovebirds! And better luck next year, singletons!!
// Start of rant
PS: The Student Union have a lot of room for improvements in this game. I expected my message on the flower to be written in some kind of greeting card or at least a piece of paper that is decorated with some colors or something, but instead it is just a plain piece of paper with my message copy-pasted on it followed by my mobile. Ugh! Even in the opinion of a computing guy like me that is not exactly artistic, it still looks ugly as ****! I know it is a hassle and stuff, but if they complain then they should not have organized this stupid game in the first place.
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Seriously? They don't even bother to make it well formatted (like the next sentence in the next line or sth) |
// End of rant
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