
Showing posts from December, 2023

Obligatory New Year Post 8

 Hi readers! Didn't expect to have been writing for 8 years now (or is it only that I've been writing this new year post 8 times?). I long for the day when I will never update this blog again because my life finally goes the way I want it to be (if you all notice, I usually write about the times when life goes against me). That being said, I have not updated the blog for more than half a year, but that didn't mean my life went swimmingly in those 7 months. In fact, I think it was quite a turbulent one (though obviously not as turbulent as, you know, 2-3 years ago...) Last I posted here was "Of Squandering My Blessings...", which I'm sure is about how I messed up my relationship with the girl where I hit it off right off the bat (in the chat, not even in the first meet up!) And now I'm in the juncture where I might be doing the same, though the situation is much different. Well, similar in some ways but different in others. It's similar as last time in ...