A Fulfilling Break
Hi readers! It's only been a little while (somewhat) since the last post! And surprise, surprise (not really); I haven't done the thing that I said I would in my last post ! I have an excuse for that, though I really shouldn't be making excuses... But anyway the excuse was that work got super busy soon that I don't have enough time for myself; I worked like almost 12 hours for all 5 days for like 2-3 weeks, plus a few hours on Saturday! I managed to keep my Sunday off though, which is a really much needed relieve for that crazy weeks. Another much needed relieve was last week's lunar new year break! I got to go back to my home town, though my break got interrupted with one day of work for a meeting that I'd rather not skip (not a meeting I couldn't skip, but I'd just rather not skip it). Oh also, I already broke one of my new year resolution; not to ghost people! I played with my dating apps again, got matched, and didn't even say hi until the c...