Insomnia.. :/
Hi readers! It's just been a month since my last post! I am not actually neglecting my blog this year! Well, actually it is because I am having a chill semester this time, so I have quite a lot of time for myself. I must say I don't actually like it (!!!) because it makes me lazy and actually messes up my sleeping pattern even worse than when I was busy. This is because I ended up wasting my time playing games to fill in the spare time, and when you play games, you usually end up sleeping late because you are so into the game. Now, even when I tried to sleep earlier (1 or 2 am is considered "early" to me now), I would be unable to sleep because my mind is still very much awake, thinking about games and things that have been going on in my life, which is what I wanted to share now. As some of you readers might have known, I have been taking Chinese classes in my university, and it has become a habit of mine to put YouTube on autoplay playing Chinese songs whenever...