Hi readers! Finally I have some time to myself again, after all the reports and settling down and everything (actually I have not really settled everything but I have done what I can do for now). Just a few updates, I am still in good terms with the girl :) though to be honest I am not very sure if our relationship can go anywhere (if we decide to take it further at all). I mean, my English is not exactly fluent; I often find myself at a loss of words, more often than I like. Moreover, Singaporeans speak much faster than many native English-speaking people in the world, which makes my "loss-of-word" moment much more pronounced. I also find it hard to express certain things to her, which I think will be a problem if we decide to take the relationship to the next level. Regardless of how this relationship will develop, I would be forever thankful to her for, directly or indirectly, teaching me lessons about relationship. For example, now I understand what people mean when they...