
Showing posts from September, 2015


Hi readers! Finally I have some time to myself again, after all the reports and settling down and everything (actually I have not really settled everything but I have done what I can do for now). Just a few updates, I am still in good terms with the girl :) though to be honest I am not very sure if our relationship can go anywhere (if we decide to take it further at all). I mean, my English is not exactly fluent; I often find myself at a loss of words, more often than I like. Moreover, Singaporeans speak much faster than many native English-speaking people in the world, which makes my "loss-of-word" moment much more pronounced. I also find it hard to express certain things to her, which I think will be a problem if we decide to take the relationship to the next level. Regardless of how this relationship will develop, I would be forever thankful to her for, directly or indirectly, teaching me lessons about relationship. For example, now I understand what people mean when they...

Intense Heart Exercise: Part 2

Oh my goodness... So many things happening in the past few days that my pace of writing cannot catch up with how fast things move the last few days... So anyway just to update you readers (if any), I have reached Beijing in one piece, and I am in good terms with that girl I wrote about in the previous post. So good in fact, it ends up becoming an intense heart exercise to my poor heart who had been void of strong emotions for the past few years. I had written so many drafts about many things that is happening in the past few weeks, but I am currently juggling between starting on my report (for 2 MC, scholarship provider, etc), getting to know new people (both Singaporeans and Indonesian, and maybe neighbors), settling down in Beijing and the Tsinghua dorm, and settling administrative things... It was crazy. I really don't have much time to just sit in front of my laptop thinking about life like what I used to do back in NUS lol. And then there is this girl from the summer trip. ...