
Showing posts from June, 2015

Wrong View

Another post because of something bothered me quite greatly today. Just a short update before going into what I wanted to write, work has been rather stressful the last few days (partly because I promised to finish something too early), and I am currently addicted to Fallout 3. It's a game from Bethesda, with open-world gameplay similar to Skyrim (more like the other way round because Fallout 3 came first but whatever..) but set in a post-apocalyptic world. This kind of game addiction has always been affecting my sleeping pattern so I hope this one will go away soon :/. So today a friend of mine just tipped me about the thing I have been aspiring to do: doing something for the government of my home country. As it turns out, some people have started an initiative to do so at . Basically it is a platform for developers to discuss about (open source? not sure yet) projects that can be used to help Indonesian government. The help can be in any aspect, may it be trans...