The Imposter Syndrome: When Being Yourself Is Hard
Hi readers! I hope I have not left this blog for too long this time round? I did again, didn't I? *okay* Anyway, This is one of the few times when I write not in the wee hours of night, because there is something that I strongly feel need to be shared. Ever heard of this thing called The Imposter Syndrome? It is a condition where you tried to be someone you're not because of peer pressure, social expectation etc. I am sure many of you readers (if there are readers at all? Hello?) have encountered a situation where you are expected to know/do something because of a label attached to you. For example, if you are a computer science student, you are kinda expected to know how to fix all sort of computer's problem, pick a side in the battle between PC and Mac, Android and iOS, etc. That is not a very good example for some of us, so I shall just refer you to the site where I read it from. The Imposter Syndrome If you have not read it yet, I suggest you should. Other than th...