
Showing posts from August, 2014

A Crazy Start to A Crazy Semester

Hi readers. Seems like once again, it's been almost a month since my last post. Doesn't matter, since the readership has been falling quite significantly anyway (which may be caused by my low frequency in updating the blog). Anyway, I am currently in need of someone (or in this case, something) that can just listen, not react, just listen, to what I have to say. It is nothing personal, really. It is just the semester ahead looks like going to be eventful, but at the cost of my sleeping time. I shall elaborate why in the subsequent paragraphs. Firstly, it is the modules I am taking this semester. I am taking a Software Engineering (SE) module, which is coupled with another module called Effective Communication for Computing Professionals. Other than that, I am taking a module which is supposedly taken by Year 3 students: Algorithm Design and Analysis. Moreover, I am taking a language module too, Chinese! And not those basic bpmf Chinese, but I jumped to Chinese 3! I guess t...

New Semester, New Vision

Holy mother of cow!! I am so sorry for abandoning this blog (again) for like the entire summer! I did not know that maintaining a blog is not as easy as it seems. Anyway, just to ensure that we are on the same page, I re-read the last couple of posts I posted in the blog (which made me realize that I have not posted anything for the whole duration of the summer!). So, just to give a closure to the questions on the previous posts, I ended up working in Indonesia, but not in Surya University, but Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI here onwards) instead. It is actually the same professor, but he told me that the vacancies in Surya has already been filled in so he will accommodate us there, where he is the dean of one of the faculties there! The pay was really low, though... So I was there more for the experience than the money. Unfortunately, there was a turn of event that made the professor the acting RECTOR! Obviously, being an acting rector, dean, and supervisor for us at t...