A question about sincerity
Hey readers. This post is once again another emo/melancholy/depressing post of mine. Feel free to close this tab if you do not feel like reading another person's miserable mind or you can also keep reading if you want. Disclaimer, it may make you feel as down as me, hopefully not worse. Just as a background story, my mum, my brother and my sister came to Singapore to visit me, or rather, came to help me bring the stuff that I could not or I forgot to bring when I went to Singapore. Today was the last day of their short visit, which was only one night. After sending them to the airport, as I boarded the train back to my campus, I felt a sudden feeling of deep loneliness. Like, I suddenly felt that I am actually all alone in this world. I remember one of my friend who came to PGPR (the place where I stay in campus) earlier than me said that I should find a girlfriend if I do not want to be lonely here. Indeed he was right. PGPR is a really big residence and the chance of me being in ...