Best news of my life.... yet
Hey readers!! Firstly, I would like to apologize for, once again, not keeping my promise of writing about my third interview, which was with Ecquaria. I initially wanted to, really. However, there is a really good news that I just do not want to miss a single day to tell the world. Three guesses.. never mind. I am offered the NUS ASEAN Scholarship!!!! =) Don't ask me how I got it. You saw for yourself how I screwed up that interview , really badly. Nevertheless, an offer is an offer, so let us (anyone?) rejoice for my success!!! Actually, now I feel obliged to go back to the temple I mentioned on that post as well, just to show my thanks, if my success is really due to some kind of divine intervention. I need to remind myself to go there if I go back to Singapore. By the way, I would like to apologize for my last post because as it gets increasingly difficult to read as you read more of it. That is because I did it at night (well, all of my post was written at night) and I was rea...