First interview: SUTD

Good GOD!! Today my series of universities and scholarships interviews have started and I only have 2 posts on my blog!!

So, this morning is the first of the interview series, which is the SUTD Skype-based admission interview. For the benefit of those who do not know, SUTD stands for Singapore University of Technology and Design. As I heard from my friends, it is not overly formal interview where the interviewers' goal is to know me better and see whether I am fit to be in the university. There were 2 interviewers, with a handful of moderators, according to the voices I heard in the background, possibly 1-3 of them. Basically, the questions are as follows (as far as I remember):

1. Tell me more about yourself
2. What course are you going to choose if you are admitted to SUTD?
3. Do you have any role model?
4. Is it okay for you to stay in the hostel (freshmen are required to stay in their hostel for 3 terms)?
5. What, to you, is the world's challenge in technology and design? (or something like that... I can't remember the question clearly as I stumbled and crashed all the way down on this question =((( )

So, what do you think of these questions? Easy? Hard? So so? Well, I think I screwed up big time! My English is like back to the time when I was interviewed before going to Singapore. Other than language, the content of my answers are also far from satisfactory, which is as follows:

1. I said things that is already written in my essay, though I added some new things which is from other scholarship application's essay (I prepared for this shit!! Though in the end I did not do so well...)

2. ISTD (Information systems technology and design). Naturally, it is followed by a 'why' question. I rambled a little here and there, but I hope they get what I am trying to say. Oh yeah, I also said things that is already written in my essay =(

3. This is the question where I started to lose my composure. I never really thought about role model. Since my mind is still fresh on the previous question about ISTD, which is related to computing, the first guy that comes to my mind is Bill Gates, so I said "I used to like Bill Gates" (I did, when I was in junior high school!). Then I explained why I did, but as of now, I do not have any (fuuu noooo why did I say that!!) as I do not like him for leaving college and now I have not seen anyone perfect enough to be my role model!! (?!??! What was I talking about?!?!)

4. From this question, I regained a little of my composure, as I do not mind staying in a hostel AT ALL, or I even WANT to stay there. I said that even though I said I prefer a small group of friends, I like being in the hostel as I will not feel lonely like what I am feeling now! So at the end of my answer for this question, I heard some murmur of satisfaction from them, which I did not really hear on my previous answers (am I effed?!)

5. I totally lose my composure. I am not prepared for this!! I am not even sure what the question was now!! WTF? Then I just start to ramble about how I am not really aware of world's challenge (wtf, brain?) but I am aware of Indonesia's challenge. Then as I tried to say further, my mind went blank just like that. At last, they are the one who did the talking (fu?!) and I just said "yeah, that was what I wanted to say but somehow, I couldn't...."

And yeah, that was how the interview was like. Do you guys think I stand a chance of being admitted to SUTD? Please tell me in the comment below because I really need some assurance whether I did okay or I did so bad it is impossible for me to be even considered for further discussion! Thanks!!


  1. hi im gg for the interview soon, do u mind sharing if you got in?


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